CDU Blog

Are You Equipped to Explain and Share the Faith?

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Dec 16, 2019 @ 03:44 PM

The need to strengthen the faith of Catholics and equip the faithful to better explain and share the Faith has never been greater.

Don't miss these three new apologetics seminars offered in 2020 with Instructor Steven R. Hemler, president of the Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America (CAINA) and author of The Reality of God: The Layman's Guide to Scientific Evidence for the Creator.

Proclaiming the Reality of God: Compelling
Evidence of God’s Existence (Jan. 13 – Feb. 3)

Making the Case for Christ (July 6 – 27)

Why Would a Loving God Allow Evil, Pain,
and Suffering? (Oct. 12 – Nov. 2)

All three apologetics seminars are being offered to you at a special package price of only $299 total. A $495 value for just $299! Be sure to take advantage of this now before January 13!

These 3-week-long online seminars are accessible from anywhere in the world and will strengthen your faith and equip you to better explain and share with family and friends why Catholics believe what we do about Jesus, salvation, and the Church. Visit and sign up today.