CDU Blog

Mark Your Calendars for Three Apologetics Seminars

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Feb 06, 2017 @ 10:54 PM

Catholic Distance University (CDU) is pleased to announce three new apologetics seminars are being offered in 2017:

  1. Making The Case For Christ
  2. How Are We Saved?
  3. Why Do We Need The Church?

These 3-week-long online seminars are accessible from anywhere in the world and are being taught by Professor Steven Hemler, president of the Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America (CAINA) and author of The Reality of God: The Layman's Guide to Scientific Evidence for the Creator. These new apologetics seminars will strengthen your faith and equip you to better explain and share with family and friends why Catholics believe what we do about Jesus, salvation, and the Church.

Given our increasingly secular society and the atheistic worldview often promoted today, the need to strengthen the faith of Catholics and equip the faithful to better explain and share the Faith has never been greater. This need is especially evident in the large number of young people who are leaving the Catholic Faith, especially during and after college.

As New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan declared, “We have failed to equip our young people and ourselves with the art of credibly, convincingly, and compellingly defending and presenting our beloved Faith. Apologetics prepares us to survive a rational criticism of our Faith that is all over the place today. We need it more than ever.”

All three apologetics seminars being offered in 2017 are available at a special package price of only $299 total. The tuition may even be as low as $30 per seminar if you live in a diocese that is a CDU subsidy partner.  Encourage your diocese or parish to become a partner and share joy through the truth. Enroll today!

Making the Case for Christ (February 6–27, 2017)

Week 1: Was Jesus a Real Historical Person?

Week 2: Is Jesus Truly God?

Week 3: Did Jesus Really Rise from the Dead?


How Are We Saved? (March 13–April 3, 2017)

Week 1: Do Near-Death Experiences Reveal the Reality of Heaven and an Afterlife?

Week 2: Why Were Christ’s Passion and Death Needed for Our Salvation?

Week 3: How Do We Accept God’s Gift of Salvation?

Why Do We Need The Church? (July 3–24, 2017)

Week 1: Why Does the Church Still Matter Today?

Week 2: Why Are the Sacraments Important?

Week 3: Why Go to Mass?

Tags: Adult Education