CDU Blog

Julianne Stokes Presents Thesis at Conference

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Feb 06, 2017 @ 11:07 PM

Stokes.jpgOn April 23, 2016, Julianne Stokes presented her Master's thesis at the First Annual Graduate Conference on Personalist Philosophy, which was hosted by The Hildebrand P
roject in conjunction with Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.

Julianne and her husband Jon live in New York State. They have eight children, and both serve as catechists in the Syracuse Diocese, where they promote Theology of the Body, Teen Star, Respect Life, and New York State Right to Life. Julianne also works as a substitute teacher at a Catholic elementary school.

She received an invitation encouraging the submission of graduate papers on personalism from John Henry Crosby, founder and president of the Hildebrand Project. Her thesis, which is featured in the Advent 2016 issue of Digital Continent, just happened to address personalist thought on women.

"CDU introduced me to the thought of the great personalists of the 20th century," Julianne says. "Dr. Aaron Urbanczyk taught me the philosophy of Hans Urs von Balthasar and shepherded me through the thesis writing process."

Julianne completed her MA in Theology in 2016 and has put her education to good use. "I have been able to find work as a teacher in both private and public schools," Julianne says. "Every member of the faculty, along with the administrators and the staff, has encouraged and inspired me. Personally, the entire course of classes for my Master's has informed my life and developed my Faith in every aspect," she adds.

"The community here online is a great joy to me," Julianne says. "They have enriched my relationship with God and my neighbor. I love my alma mater, Catholic Distance University!"

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