CDU Blog

CDU admissions are on a roll…

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, May 03, 2017 @ 04:15 PM

shutterstock_409322440.jpgCDU student enrollment in 2017 is up more than 16% over enrollment during the same period last year.  This outpaces 2017 National Center for Education Statistics projections for 12% growth.  In the most recent of CDU’s six annual terms, Winter II experienced degree-seeking enrollment gains of 48% over 2016 with an average increase of 29% in BA student and 85% in MA student course enrollments.

CDU’s three 2017 apologetics seminars Missionary Discipleship, Making a Case for Christ, and How Are We Saved? all yielded record attendance.  Plus, continuing education offerings continue to grow.

CDU now offers 12 certificate programs including Basic certificates in Apologetics, Basic Catechetics, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholic Education, Christian Morality, the New Testament, the Old Testament, Prayer and Spirituality, Vatican II. Church History, Sacred Scripture and an advanced certificate in Catechetics.

Carol Ciullo, Director of Admissions at CDU, believes growth is due to a combination of initiatives coming to fruition.  She said, “The growing awareness from marketing and new lead generation from social media that began last year is a big contributing factor to our growth.” Convenience and affordability support CDU’s continued growth, as well as new courses, financial aid and graduate success.

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