CDU Blog

CDU Ranks Among The Best!

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Sun, Mar 08, 2020 @ 11:49 AM

According to Online Schools Report released in January 2020, online education is getting bigger and better—and giving traditional college campuses a run for their money. Leading education researchers have predicted that online education will surpass traditional learning within a decade.

In addition, theology is a popular online degree. There are over 50 bachelor’s and 50 master’s degrees offered online. Online Schools Report ranked the top MA theology degrees available today using six data points to determine the quality of the online program. Three data points focus on the quality of the school, and three focus on the quality of the individual program. OSR included these programs in the ranking because their students graduate with minimal debt and have a great support system while in school. These schools are dedicated to delivering a quality theology degree online.

Out of all the accredited Christian theology schools, CDU’s MA Theology degree ranked #11. CDU is the second top Catholic theology program offered online. CDU is ranked before University of Dallas (#17), Liberty University (#19), St. Joseph’s College of Maine (#23), and Franciscan University of Steubenville (#31).

Out of all the accredited Christian theology schools, CDU’s MA Theology degree ranked #11.
CDU is the second top Catholic theology program offered online.