CDU Blog

CDU Supporters to Gather at Gala in Washington, D.C.

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Dec 16, 2019 @ 07:00 PM

The Annual Gala in our 36th Year is the occasion to celebrate the leadership of Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Holy Father’s personal representative to the United States, and the Diocese of Brooklyn. Archbishop Pierre reminds us frequently of the dream of Pope Francis for a missionary Church that fosters a culture of encounter— willing to put out into the deep for a great catch!

The Diocese of Brooklyn under the leadership of Bishop Nicholas DiMarzio is a rich and diverse ecclesial community, in the words of Pope Francis, “A People of many Faces” (EG, 115-118). Their commitment to the New Evangelization reflects a passion for missionary discipleship through sound lifelong education and formation as a partner with Catholic Distance University.

The Gala took place on Saturday, November 16th, at the St. John Paul II National Shrine in Washington, D.C. The Board of Trustees, hosts, friends, graduates, staff, and faculty all gathered to celebrate all the support and blessings of CDU’s journey.

Our Gala Chair was the Honorable Susan R. Malone. We are grateful for our hosts, Dr. Charles R. Wasaff and The Most Reverend Timothy P. Broglio, and the Host Committee.

Giests enjoyed the museum and beautiful mosaics, then participated in an Academic Convocation Mass at the Redemptor Hominis Church followed by a Cocktail Reception and Silent Auction with exciting Amfund Bucket-list vacations.

The gala is our largest annual event andfundraiser. For more information, visit or contact Annie Hager at