CDU Blog

CDU’s 2016 Student of the Year Lands Dream Job

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, May 03, 2017 @ 04:09 PM

Vincent Jennifer_350.jpgJennifer Vincent is a model CDU student whose passionate desire to deepen her faith overcomes the challenges of multiple priorities.  Jennifer’s journey was recently recognized with CDU’s 2016 Outstanding Student of the Year Award.

While actively engaged in her parish, teaching elementary religious education, and nurturing her six children, Jennifer pursued her goal to earn a Master’s degree in Theology.   Graduating with a 3.92 GPA in 2016, she immediately landed her dream job as a Pastoral Associate for the Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory in Victoria, Texas.

In her new role, she is in charge of multiple ministries.  Her manifold talents are used to discern and develop ministries and programs that respond to the needs of parishioners of all ages, among these being the Young Mothers of Grace Project, the Women’s Faith Sharing Group, the Retreat for Marriage Enrichment, the Adult Confirmation Course, and the Youth Ministry Famine Activity.

Jennifer says that coursework in Sacred Scripture and Church teachings has been invaluable for developing parish programs that address the needs of the faithful while staying faithful to the magisterium of the Church. She now provides Sacramental presentations to parents in other parishes, while enriching the Parish Liturgy and Bereavement Committees.  She also serves as a Lector and Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.  Jennifer recognizes that the MA in Theology has opened doors and opportunities beyond anything she ever dreamed possible just five years ago.  She credits CDU for providing not only an outstanding online program, but also a community of learners who support even the less technologically savvy students! 

Reflecting on her experience at CDU, she says, “The universality and diversity of course content, as well as my fellow classmates, broadened my perspective of ‘one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.’  The professors challenged me to stretch my understanding of the Body of Christ, something which has enabled me to be ever more conscious of my role as a lay person.”

Jennifer advises new students to make use of the resources available to you, especially the Student Center and Café, where "people are just waiting to help you!” she says. You will also get to know your classmates and professors and build a community of learners that strengthens your overall experience. “And most importantly,” she adds, “the virtual Chapel is a wonderful resource for God’s grace – something so necessary for a fruitful journey in theology!"

Jennifer Vincent embodies the truth and the joy that comes from encountering the living Word of God with others and we are proud to recognize her as our 2016 Outstanding Student of the Year.