CDU Blog

CDU's DEAC Outstanding Student of the Year

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Tue, May 08, 2018 @ 03:34 PM


Michael Grasinsky worked in account management when he sensed that God was calling him to a different path. After a long period of discernment, he matriculated at Mount St. Mary’s Seminary in Emmitsburg, Maryland.

“After a year in the seminary, I wanted to finish my BA, but it seemed impossible due to time, money, and location. CDU was a true grace, and it provided the perfect opportunity finish my undergraduate education in the area of greatest interest to me,” he says.

Class discussions helped Michael learn to articulate what he knew, which was sometimes more challenging than he expected. “A true test of what one knows is how simply one can explain it,” he says. “This became a great exercise in learning how to synthesize extremely complex thoughts.”

He now clearly articulates the interplay of faith and reason. “Both faith and reason are necessary, and they in no way negate one another,” he explains.

In an increasingly secular world, theology is useful in responding to contemporary challenges. “We live in a world where man’s fundamental identity has become lost, and it is the practice of theology that can respond to this identity crisis,” Michael says. “Theology explains the deepest yearnings of man’s heart and thus is able to respond to the many challenges facing modern man. Gaudium et Spes explains this perfectly in that theology, as viewed through the lens of the Magisterium, can answer the many questions that trouble man today.”

 “I’m very grateful for my opportunity at CDU,” Michael says. “Coming from a business background, I can see the immense value a school like CDU will continue to have in a world that is quickly changing and lacking orthodox Catholic schools.”

Michael believes “We receive a vocational call from God to bring the light of Christ to others, and at the same time, this mission is a gift.”