CDU Blog

Faculty Focuses On Fidelity To The Church

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, Jun 26, 2019 @ 05:13 PM

CDU faculty members gathered at the Chancery of the Diocese of Arlington on April 9th to take the Oath of Fidelity to the Catholic Church and make the
Profession of Faith. Trustee Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, DD, PhD, conducted the ceremony as the local ordinary. In keeping with Canon law, the Mandatum ceremony is held to ensure that faculty teach in full communion with the Church and reflects CDU’s commitment to remain faithful to the Magisterium.

(Pictured l to r: Dr. James Kruggel, Dr. Peter Brown, Bishop Michael F. Burbidge, Father Bevil Bramwell, and Dr. Matthew Bunson. Dr. Marcellino
D’Ambrosio and Dr. Marie Nuar attended remotely.)
