CDU Blog

Free CDU Webinars For 2018

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Tue, Feb 06, 2018 @ 02:58 PM


Free CDU webinars are hot. Webinar participation grew 54% in 2017, and interest continues to escalate. CDU is honored to offer the free opportunity to learn more about the Faith and interact with university experts on topics of interest to the faithful. If you wish to participate, join our email list by contacting If you missed a previous webinar, you can find them posted on our new mobile website.

Several thousand people listen to the webinars on our website or on You Tube. The two most popu­lar are What Luther Got Right and Wrong In the Reformation and The Church’s Best Kept Secret: Catholic Social Teaching. If you have a long commute or an hour of quiet time, listen in!

Look for Webinars on Thomas Aquinas and The Passion in March at

 New Summer Seminar
“Why Would a Loving God Allow Evil, Pain and Suffering?”
July 23 – August 13
Watch for details at

Upcoming Webinars

March: Do Catholics Still Need Thomas Aquinas?

Lent: Understanding the Passion Narratives

April: Decisions of Life and Death, with Steve Bozza, Alyssa Thorell, and Michael Schiavo

May: Marriage Today or Marian Devotions, with Chris Padgett

June: Ugly as Sin? A Conversation about Church Art and Architecture, with Kalinda Gathinji

July: The 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae

August: The Enlightenment and the Catholic Church

September: Apologetics, with Steve Hemler

October: The Call to Vocation: Understanding the Synod

November: Catholics and Politics, with Robert Royal

Advent:  Did Christmas Actually Happen?