CDU Blog


Posted by Catholic Distance University on Tue, Feb 06, 2018 @ 03:02 PM

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MA graduate Kathy Vestermark now serves as Director of Student Life and Retention at Catholic Distance University.  She is also an undergraduate Professor teaching The Four Constitutions of Vatican II and The Catechism of the Catholic Church I & II.

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Cecile Kasberg, a recent MA graduate, is teaching Theology to freshmen and sophomores at Cathedral High School in Indianapolis.  She loves sharing our Faith with teenagers. She says, “I would never have the confidence to evangelize and catechize if I hadn’t gone to CDU.” I in addition to teaching, she is a core team member for RCIA at her parish, St. Simon the Apostle.

Gayle DiNicola, who received a Bachelor's in Theology from CDU, shares her faithful knowledge with others.  She became a certified Catechist in the Archdiocese of New York and served as a sixth grade Catechist, eventually accepting the RCIA Coordinator position.  While caring for her aging parents, she transitioned to an Adult Confirmation Instructor role for the northern counties of the Archdiocese of New York.

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Joe Wetterling, a graduate of the Catechetical Diploma program, is in his second year as the President of the Catholic Writers Guild, an international non-profit organization that supports Catholic writers, illustrators, and editors. He created a natural Theology class for Holy Apostles College and is part of the Catholic Scholar program at the Dominican Institute.

Adele Huculak, an MA graduate, is studying for an MS in Mental Health Clinical Counseling at Divine Mercy University.