CDU Blog

Spring Holy Land Pilgrimage Offered For Academic Credit

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Tue, Feb 06, 2018 @ 03:01 PM

The Spring Holy Land Pilgrimage will be held April 16-26, 2018.  Led by renowned faculty member Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio, participants will travel to the land of the Bible and visit Jerselum, Bethlehem, The Via Dolorosa, Jericho, Cana, Galilee, and more!  To learn more about the pilgrimage and to register for the trip, email

Students who wish to participate in the pilgrimage and earn academic credit should rgister for course THEO 598 in the Winter II 2018 term.  Classes begin on March 5.  Email to enroll in the course today!

listening to the speakers at the Church of the Paster Noster, or Our Fat....jpgChurch of Pastor Noster. Our Father prayer in hundreds of languages.

There is no better place to study the four canonical gospels than where the drama of salvation took place.  The holy places in the land where the Savior walked speak so powerfully of the work of redemption that the land is rightly called “the fifth gospel.”  The learning in this course will primarily take place over ten days in the Holy Land.  Prior to and subsequent to the trip, there will be fascinating readings and online discussion that will be the basis for a term paper to be submitted at the end of the 8-week class.  The primary goal of this interdisciplinary course is to give students insight into the Bible that can only be captured by being in the land.  Secondarily, students will learn about the Fathers of the Church, including Origen, Eusebius, Justin, Jerome, and Cyril of Jerusalem, who lived and wrote in the Holy Land.  Because travel in the Holy Land will bring students face-to-face with the Crusades and Muslim-Christian relations, they will learn about Church history and interreligious dialogue.  The course will count as a theology, scripture, or church history elective, based on the topic a student selects for his or her course paper.