CDU Blog

Graduates, Friends and Family will Gather at the Gala to honor Father Robert Spitzer

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:20 PM

You are cordially invited to the 2017 CDU Gala on November 4, 2017 at The Westin Arlington Gateway Hotel. The events will start at 5:00 p.m. with the Academic Convocation Mass, followed by a 6:30 p.m. Cocktails Reception with Silent Auction and 7:30 p.m. Dinner and Awards.


The celebration will recognize 2016-2017 graduates, honor Father Robert Spitzer with the CDU Founders Award, and acknowledge St. James the Greater Catholic Church and St. Veronica’s Catholic Church as our Bishop Thomas J. Welsh Parish Award recipients.

The gala is CDU’s largest fundraising event for graduates, alumni, faculty, family and friends. Purchase your tickets today at, call 304-724-5000 X727 or email and join in the fun. It will not be the same without you.

Gala sponsors, patrons and friends include: The Archdiocese for the Military Services USA, The Archdiocese of Washington, The Diocese of Arlington, The Diocese of Brooklyn, The Diocese of Wheeling-Charleston, Supreme Knight Carl & Mrs. Dorian Anderson, Dr.& Mrs. Joseph Braddock, Most Rev. Timothy P. Broglio, Mr. Daniel Curtin, EWTV Global Catholic Network, Inc.,  Dr. Angelo Giardino, Good Shepherd Catholic Church, Mrs. Geraldine Hall, Mrs. Jean Halle & Mr. Glenn Davis, Mrs. Carl Hertz, Sam & Ann Hinojosa, Mr. & Mrs. Peter D. Jones, Barbara Keebler & Mr. Terrence Giroux, Korte Realty, Dr. Araceli Lardizabal-Carnazzo, Mr. & Mrs. John McCabe, Dr. Margaret B. Melady, Mrs. Helena Metzger, Dr. Marianne Evans Mount, Mrs. Barbara P. Murphy, Mr. & Mrs. Roger Naill, Dr. & Mrs. Frederick Scheuren, Mr. & Mrs. Robert J. Smith, St. Agnes Church, St. Mary Catholic Church, St. Matthew Catholic Church, St.Theresa Catholic Church, Dr. & Mrs. Charles R. Wasaff, Mr. & Mrs. Harry T. Wilkins.