CDU Blog

Inspiring New Publications

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Apr 01, 2019 @ 04:14 PM

New Book Offers Answers and Hope


Faculty member David G. Bonagura recently published Steadfast in Faith: Catholicism and the Challenges of Secularism. Aimed at meeting the needs of any Catholic who seeks a deeper faith and more abiding conviction in the message of Christ’s gospel, Steadfast in Faith addresses contemporary
secular culture and how Catholics can practice the Faith amidst its
questions, challenges, and conditions.

Who is God? Why should I believe in Him? What if I doubt his Word? What if I see contradictions between faith and science? What if I feel nothing when I pray? Why is Catholicism any better than, or different from, other religions? Why do evil and suffering exist, if God is real? With remarkable clarity, Bonagura presents an apology for faith in Jesus Christ, true God and true man, upon whom we are right to build our lives, our families, and our societies. The book is available on Amazon.


Apologetics Instructor’s New Book
Explores True Happiness


Do you ever wonder why you’re not happy with what everyone says are the good things in life, including money, fun, and friends? Search No More provides clear, compelling, and concise answers to "big questions" about happiness, Jesus, salvation, and the Catholic Faith. In Search No More, author Steven Hemler, President of the Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America and CDU apologetics instructor, makes the case that the keys to truth and happiness are Jesus and His Church, as experienced by himself, the saints, and millions of others over the past 2,000 years.

Hemler says that his books focus on “strengthening Faith, equipping us with the tools to explain to others and to dispel doubts.”  Search No More builds on Hemler’s’ first book, The Reality of God, The Layman’s Guide to Scientific Evidence for The Creator, which was written for atheist and agnostic people.  The new book speaks to those who are spiritual but not religious or those who believe but do not attend church. 

Hemler says, “Search No More has a happiness hook.  Many people are
seekers and are not quite happy, and they do not know why.  This book will help people and draw them into the life of the Church.”

“Even though the clerical sex abuse and cover-up scandals are terrible and have damaged the credibility of the Catholic Church's witness, this does not negate the wisdom or truth of the Church's divinely inspired teachings nor prevent us from finding true happiness and joy in her service-oriented community and sacramental graces,” Hemler writes. Explore this claim for yourself and discover the happiness and truth you are searching for in life.

Search No More will be of interest to anyone seeking
something more or examining the truth of key teachings of the Catholic Church. Available on Amazon, Search No More will dispel doubts, strengthen faith, and provide valuable information for discussion with family and friends who have questions about Catholicism.