CDU Blog

Maronite Sister Receives Scholarship to Attend CDU

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Sun, Jun 20, 2021 @ 10:21 PM

We welcome Sister Emily to CDU as our new Mission Diocese Scholar in the MA program. Highly recommended as a promising student by Bishop Mansour of the St. Maron of Brooklyn mission diocese, Sister Emily is a Maronite Servant of Christ the Light. Her mission is to serve the Church in the parish as a spiritual mother in imitation of Mary, radiating the Light of Christ through a life of contemplative prayer, asceticism, and apostolic mission to children, young adults, families, the sick, dying, and grieving. Maronite Sisters live in Dartmouth, Massachusetts, and serve alongside the priest in pastoral ministry, reaching out with a maternal touch to the many needs of the parish family. Her superior, Sister Marla Marie Lucas, says, “Sister Emily’s CDU scholarship is a Godsend to her formation and fulfilling our mission.”

The mission dioceses scholarship program is part of CDU’s commitment to serve our brothers and sisters at the peripheries. As a non-profit, CDU could not offer transformational scholarships to those who serve the Church without your support. We are grateful to The Koch Foundation and our generous private donors who support this program.