CDU Blog

New Courses in Faith, Spirituality, Ethics and Salvation Expand Minds of the Church.

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Jun 05, 2017 @ 04:36 PM

DAmbrosio-1.jpgThe Catholic Theological Tradition | Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio

Ignite your passion, curiosity and appetite to learn more about the Catholic Faith with a survey of Christian theology as it developed historically from the end of New Testament times to Vatican II.  Examine several debated key issues in each epoch, meet some of history's most famous [and infamous!] theologians, and come to understand their sometimes contradictory, sometimes complementary, ways of thinking about God.  Master the chronological framework that gives coherence to all theological history and knowledge, while learning about critical moments in Church history.

This new course includes 58 compelling videos, interactive student Q&As, an interactive timeline, selected readings, class discussions, and assignments, researched and lead by Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio.  (To sample a video lecture, click here.  A comprehensive overview of the Catholic Faith, this new course is a pre-requisite for a graduate-level education and should be essential knowledge for all Catholics.  Explore courses for Summer II and enroll before July 3.

aaron.jpgEthics Philosophy Course | Dr. Aaron Urbanczyk

Students will explore moral philosophy and the concepts of good as applied to human action in the new undergraduate course Ethics (Phil 311). What does it mean for humans to live a moral life? Questions like this one will be considered as students read the primary texts of certain philosophical masters of ethics, including Aristotle, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Kant.

cbrown.jpgApplied Catholic Spirituality | Dr. Carole Brown

 Learn to apply the practical skills needed to enrich your spiritual life! Applied Catholic Spirituality will begin with the teachings of Christ recorded in the Gospels and explore the three stages of spiritual life, St. John Paul II’s teachings on personal conversion, as well as the rich variety of Christian practices illustrated in the lives and teachings of the saints. This course is offered at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. Explore courses for Fall.


Dr. Peter Brown.jpgScripture and Salvation History | Dr. Peter Brown

Journey through the Bible to understand critical interpretive issues.  Wrestle with disputed questions as you learn to view the Bible as a unified and coherent story with profound implications for today. Scripture and Salvation History covers the story of creation and the fall, through God’s promise to Abraham, the covenant with Israel at Sinai and Deuteronomy and the eventual collapse of the Davidic Kingdom under the Deuteronomic covenant. The course crescendos with the solution to the problems of the law in the Old Testament and the eventual fulfillment of God’s promises through the person and work of Jesus Christ and his Church.