CDU Blog

Graduate Denise Spivey’s Research on Pope Francis' Message is Fascinating and Informative

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Tue, May 08, 2018 @ 04:42 PM


Denise Spivey

The new issue of Digital Continent is now available at!  Read the Master of Arts (Theology) thesis of Denise Spivey, Pope Francis' Key to a Life of Witness to Obedience Is Mercy. Readers will learn how individuals and experiences in Pope Francis' formative years shaped his mission and message of God's love and mercy. This fascinating thesis is just one example of the theological research conducted by students in CDU’s MA in Theology program. Digital Continent is a web-based magazine dedicated to CDU's MA students and their outstanding efforts at amateur theological scholarship. The theses published are the culmination of years of careful study of the Word of God and the sources of Sacred Tradition. 
