CDU Blog

CDU’s Online Library Is a Campus Destination

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:31 PM

CDU’s library is state of the art, always open, continuously growing, and academically supportive. And, the book you need is never missing or damaged.

Immediate access to Catholic resources from anywhere in the world is a digital reality on CDU’s campus. The CDU library is booming in utility and traffic, rivaling many brick and mortar university libraries.

Student Lee Anna Dela Cruz agrees, “We have many more online library options here than did my last university.”

CDU’s library expansion is not physical and increased traffic is not wearing out any carpet; it’s growth is in resources, services and usage directly impacting student success. The CDU library serves 476 students and faculty members who visit thousands of times each year for free resource links, Catholic encyclopedias, and EBSCO e-books. The number of visits in the last 12 months has tripled. At the same time, EBSCO database usage doubled and Catholic Encyclopedia usage grew 674%.


Sister Rebecca Abel, O.S.B

CDU’s Librarian, Sister Rebecca Abel, O.S.B., is a resource in herself. Both students and alumni count on Sister’s passion and expertise to direct them to new discoveries. Sister Rebecca says “a new introduction on to how to use the library for research, accessible personal support, more awareness and partnerships to enhance ebook resources have made a big difference.” She continues, “Digital resource opportunities are exploding, and CDU is in a unique position to build a digital library that can fulfill our mission to “teach all nations.”

Student Rachel Zamarron says, “I am really excited about all of the resources in the library available to us.” Alumni are welcome to enjoy easy access to our online campus and library resources. Since the library has unlimited space and is as comfortable as your home, feel free to visit and browse. Contact Kathy ( for online campus support. CDU needs more e-books.  CDU donations contribute directly to resources used by students and alumni..  Your contribution makes an immediate educational impact.

To donate to our library fund, contact