CDU Blog

Professor Hood Earns His PhD

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, Jun 26, 2019 @ 07:53 PM

Professor Hoods PhD

Professor Joshua Hood, veteran professor of Latin and Greek, has earned his PhD in Semitics from The Catholic University of America. His dissertation was titled, “Songs of Supplication and Penitence: Onyãtã from the Warda Collection in
Mingana Syr 214.”

Professor Hood has studied many ancient and contemporary languages. “I was drawn to medieval Latin Catholicism as a teenager, and studying Latin in college was a natural first step in studying this,” he says. “I soon began studying Greek as well, and when I began graduate school at The Catholic University of America, my interests increasingly shifted ‘eastward’ as I moved from Biblical Studies to Semitics, concentrating in Syriac, but also studying Coptic, Arabic, and Hebrew.”

Subjects that particularly interest Dr. Hood include Eastern Christianity, Christian-Jewish-Islamic encounters throughout history, Christian apocrypha, and Syriac and Byzantine liturgy.