CDU Blog

Professor Organizes Miraculous Event in Australia

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Jul 01, 2022 @ 12:00 AM

Dr. Christine Wood organized an exhibition titled “Miraculous Events: Science
Tests Faith” for the Archdiocese of Hobart in Australia from June 15 to 26, 2022.
Evidence from miraculous events that have occurred around the were explored and discussed by medical experts. The event included interactive and documentary-style presentations of more than 20 miracles, including eyewitness testimonies and findings from scientific investigations.

Wood, director of the Office of Evangelization and Catechesis, says, “The miracles include inexplicable healings from deafness, blindness, cancer, paralysis, and even death. It’s a fascinating tour-de-force of God’s personal engagement in the world today and man’s response to God.”


For more information about this exhibition, visit