CDU Blog

Don't Miss CDU's New Summer Seminar

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, Feb 14, 2018 @ 03:08 PM


Why Would a Loving God Allow Evil, Pain, and Suffering?

If God loves us so much and is so powerful, why does He allow us to suffer from the effects of evil human behavior, physical and emotional pain, and natural disasters? This three-week online apologetics seminar looks at how the greatest Christian thinkers of all time have dealt with the problem of pain and the mystery of suffering. This includes exploring why God would allow moral and natural evil, as well as exploring ways suffering can help us find the proper perspective in life.

Personal testimonies, including from the lives of several saints, show how suffering can teach us spiritual truths, build our character, and stimulate growth in sanctity and holiness. Christians are challenged to view suffering and hardship as signs of God’s love as well as opportunities for spiritual growth by focusing on Jesus who experienced pain and suffering himself and deeply cares about the sufferings we undergo. Understanding the purpose of suffering should cause one to become better instead of bitter. As such, this apologetics seminar will support participants as they undertake the Spiritual Works of Mercy to “comfort the afflicted,” “counsel the doubtful,” and “instruct the uninformed.”

 Seminar Topics:

Week One: Why does God allow moral evil (evil human behavior)?

Week Two:  Why does God allow natural evil (earthquakes, disease, etc.)?

Week Three: Does suffering have a useful purpose?

This seminar is the fifth of six seminars in the new continuing education Certificate in Apologetics.  Enroll now at  for this July 23-August 13 seminar.