CDU Blog

The CDU Grapevine

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:39 PM

What have CDU graduates been up to? 

Davin Winger.jpgDavin Winger

Davin Winger is the new Dean of Business and Technology at Oklahoma Panhandle State University.  Previously serving as a professor at the university, he was instrumental in the development of traditional and online courses. Winger will academically lead his departments and coordinate initiatives such as distance learning and grant development.

Winger says, “CDU is where I first learned about online learning as a student. CDU gave me the opportunity to grow and engage with other online learners and teachers. I gained confidence in myself as a student and later as a teacher because of CDU.” He continues, “God opened the door for me to attend CDU. The education and experience I gained at CDU opened a door for me not only in the Catholic Church but in the secular world as well. I am thankful for CDU.”

ordenacion-sacerdotal-de-theodore-trinko1.jpgFather Ted Trinko, IVE

Father Ted Trinko, IVE, uses his CDU education. He was ordained by His Excellency Thomas Daly at Our Lady of Peace in Santa Clara on May 8th.  He celebrated his first mass on May 9. Father Trinko humbly asks for our prayers that he might help us through his ministry.



vestermark.jpgKathy Vestermark

Kathy Vestermark is an undergraduate professor at CDU and was promoted to Director of Student Life & Retention at CDU.



magdala-stone1.jpgJennifer Ristine

Bible History Daily has published an important article by CDU graduate Jennifer Ristine from the Magdalena Institute at Magdala, on the interpretation of the famous “Magdala Stone”—”The Magdala Stone: The Jerusalem Temple Embodied.”  

Working for the new historical site in the holy land, Jennifer has written many articles and blogs about important research being conducted there. 

DSC07104.jpgPater Joachim Wernersbac

On July 9th, 2017, Pater Joachim Wernersbach was ordained to the priesthood in the monastic church of the Benedictine Abbey at Tholey, Germany, by Archbishop Jean Claude Périsset, retired Nuntius of the Vatican to Germany.

Prior to joining the monastery, Father Joachim studied theology at CDU of which he say,: "Studying at CDU changed my life.  Finding CDU was instrumental in becoming fully reconciled with the new course my life was taking. The joy of faith that CDU is using as a base for all teaching made me more and more confident that the right decision had been made.”

Father Joachim, aside from his duties as a Benedicinte monk, is now engaged in pastoral services for the monastery as well as the surrounding communities.

Patsy R. Acree

Patsy R. Acree has a ministry that provides baby clothes, teddy bears and dolls during the Christmas season to an anti-abortion organization in Ocala, Florida.  Her CDU degree and studies provided the opportunity to be the Spiritual Director for Christ Renews His  Parish retreats. Now she is in Formation to the Lay Dominican Order.  Patsy says “The most valuable gift I received was my deepening relationship with the Father.  God  encouraged me to deepen my feelings for those in need and to share what He gave me through my CDU education.”