CDU Blog

The Honors Are Mounting for CDU’s President!

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, Jun 22, 2022 @ 03:12 PM

Dr. Marianne Evans Mount was recently appointed as a consultor to the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education. This 5-year assignment recognizes her many years of service in the innovative realm of Catholic distance education. Dr. Mount is the only American to receive this honor, and Catholic Distance University is the only U.S. institution represented.

She was also invited to prepare an article for the Congregation for Catholic Education’s quarterly academic journal, educatio Catholica. Her article was published in the latest issue; its theme is Distance Learning in Ecclesi-
astical Universities and Faculties.

On August 2, 2022, Dr. Marianne Evans Mount will serve on a panel at the International Federation of Catholic Universities’ General Assembly being held at Boston College. The panel will address ways that Catholic universities serve the common good. She will speak about CDU’s prison ministry program, mission scholars program, and CDU’s institutional mission to provide online, very affordable digital education throughout the world on the teachings of the Catholic Church.