CDU Blog

Upcoming CDU Offerings

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Apr 01, 2019 @ 06:19 PM

How Are We Saved?
July 15 – August 5 

Given our increasingly secular and atheistic society, many people today doubt the reality of heaven and the afterlife, especially young people. Given the proclamations on salvation made by evangelical friends, many Catholics are confused about how we are saved to eternal life in heaven. Therefore, the need to equip Catholics to credibly, convincingly, and compellingly explain and share how we can know that heaven and the afterlife are real and what the Catholic Church teaches about salvation has never been greater.

This seminar presents Catholic Church teaching on why it was necessary for Jesus Christ to suffer and die for us and how we can accept this most precious gift of salvation. Many New Testament passages are used to explain how we are called to a three-fold response to accept God’s gift of
salvation: faith, charitable good deeds, and
partaking of the graces offered by the sacraments of the Church, especially baptism and holy eucharist. Attendees will come to understand what it takes to be saved and be better prepared to respond when asked, “Have you been saved?”

Register for this seminar after April 15 at


Continue Your Lifelong
Educational Journey

Would you like to learn more about Isaiah and the prophets, St. Thomas Aquinas, comparative religion, Vatican II, or Latin?  Graduates of CDU’s BA, MA, or Catechetical Diploma programs may audit courses at the academic level from which they graduated for a minimal fee of just $300 per course. As valued alumni, you can easily continue your lifelong learning experience in our online campus.

Browse courses offered in our upcoming terms at and contact the registrar to audit a course.

Graduates also receive a discount on Continuing Education apologetics
seminars and independent study courses. Contact Annie at for the promotional code and enroll today!