CDU Blog

Who's Counting?

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Dec 16, 2019 @ 07:05 PM

CDU’s prison ministry program has engaged more than 100,000 prisoners in the past 17 months through digital tablet courses available in 134 prisons around the country. CDU now offers 16 courses in English and 6 courses in Spanish. The most popular courses in English are Christian Prayer and The Gospel of St. Matthew and the top courses in Spanish are The Profession of Faith and Introduction to Scripture and the Gospel. Thanks to your donations, we are able to provide courses to incarcerated students without charge.

Paper-based correspondence courses are also in demand. Serving an average of 175 courses per year by mail, CDU is embarking on a major program to update all of its academic correspondence courses to serve this growing population, enabling incarcerated students to earn degrees and certificates while behind bars.

We thank The John C. Fricano Foundation for recently awarding a prison ministry program grant. Your prayers and support make a measureable impact in the lives of many of the underserved. If you are interested in supporting our prison ministry program, give us a call, tell a friend, and keep us in your prayers.