CDU Blog

New Courses Excite New Students And Meet New Needs

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Tue, Feb 06, 2018 @ 03:00 PM

HUM 328. Introduction to Comparative Religions: Judaism and Islam


Like Christianity, Judaism and Islam share a common origin in the Middle East and are considered Abrahamic religions. Despite their shared beginnings, the two religions diverge in how they answer the great questions, and relations between adherents of the two religions have been tense for centuries. HUM 328 will introduce the key moral framework and concepts of Judaism and Islam and how they relate to Catholicism.  By reading foundational texts, students will come to understand these religions as they understand themselves and gain a greater appreciation of their contributions to the world in which we live.

Humanities 253. A Global Civilization


A Global Civilization, taught by esteemed faculty member Dr. Charles Rieper, is the third of three undergraduate survey courses covering the totality of Western history. The course traces the development of Western Civilization from the Enlightenment to the era of the war on terror and globalization in the 21st century. Dr. Rieper will guide students through significant periods of western history including the emergence of the Enlightenment and Age of Absolutism, the French Revolution, the birth of the United States, the Industrial Revolution, the Great Depression and World Wars, the Cold War, and the modern era, which has brought momentous change.

English 110. Introduction to Literature for Theology


Introduction to Literature for Theology is an exciting new course that teaches the basics of reading, interpreting, and classifying stories and understanding what gives good literature its enduring power. The course is also designed to rekindle the lost art of literary imagination and to teach Catholics how to harness the power of stories to understand and share the Faith in meaningful and effective ways with a world that, despite its best efforts, cannot escape from suffering, doubt, and longing for meaning and beauty.  Learn to express yourself and literary ideas from a Catholic perspective.

Philosophy 315. Metaphysics
Enroll Now in this Winter II Course!

This course will introduce students to the philosophy of being by means of a thematic and historical approach. Topics include the following: the nature of metaphysical inquiry; Plato’s theory of forms; the basic categories of being; properties common to all beings; the analogy of being; substance, accident, essence, and existence; the problem of the one and the many; individuation; knowing God; and the nature of evil.

Coming Soon! Mathematics for Liberal Studies and Sacred Architecture

Reaching The Ends Of The Earth

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Tue, Feb 06, 2018 @ 03:00 PM

CDU-President_Marianne-Evans-Mount.jpgby CDU President Marianne Evans Mount, PhD

As I reflect on our beautiful mission to communicate the mind and heart of the Church in a digital world, the start of a new year is a special moment to thank God for the amazing journey of 2017 and share with you some of our plans for 2018 that give us great hope for the future.

CDU is thrilled to welcome more students. While many public and private colleges missed enrollment targets in 2017, CDU grew enrollments by 11.5%. Despite rising expenses, our Board has resisted raising tuition. Very affordable tuition rates are important to our graduates because 9 out of 10 serve the Church. Continuing adult education and webinar attendance have also grown, but our prison ministry, a gift to the incarcerated Church, has increased enrollments by 46%! I am inspired by a growing number of donors who support CDU’s education of our incarcerated brothers and sisters. The Order of Malta recently awarded a $25,000 grant to CDU to load our course content on a new tablet approved for use in prisons.

Some of our recent enhancements include Federal Financial Aid, new courses and faculty, and a growing theological library. Our staff now includes our dynamic theological librarian, Sister Rebecca, and Professor Kathy Vestermark who, in addition to teaching in the BA program, is director of student life and retention to help support students who fall behind in classes.

Our strategic vision reflects a commitment to regional and programmatic accreditation, in addition to maintaining our current accreditation with the Distance Education Accrediting Commission. Fulfilling CDU’s Strategic Plan will enhance the value of a CDU credential for our graduates and demonstrate the effectiveness of our educational model through enhanced accreditation and the “joy from the truth” that comes from the encounter with the living word of God through our fidelity to the Church.

A new and inviting website ( was a perfect start to the new year! The new website is optimized for mobile devices and offers fresh and streamlined content with easy navigation. We welcome the world through this beautiful gateway into the intellectual richness and warmth of the CDU community.

You will hear a great deal in 2018 about the launch of a Comprehensive Fundraising Campaign to ensure that “joy from the truth” reaches the ends of the Earth through CDU, whose educational model fulfills Christ’s command to “Teach all nations,” especially the underserved. This beautiful path forward inspires all of us as the new year begins.

A Letter To Alumni

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Tue, Feb 06, 2018 @ 02:59 PM


Let me be the first to welcome all graduates of Catholic Distance University’s academic and continuing education certificate programs to our Alumni Association.  As a graduate, CDU considers you family.  We want to stay connected to encourage you and walk side-by-side with you on your journey.  The newly formed Alumni Association is dedicated to strengthening and working in partnership with the University to connect, support, and coordinate the global network of graduates in promoting the mission of the University and the Church Community for the glory of God.

The Alumni Association Committee plans to provide educational and spiritual support to alumni through CDU resources; foster a global communication network among the alumni to spread the good news of CDU to the Church and the world; encourage participation in programs to enhance your overall welfare; create camaraderie, sisterhood, and fraternal relationships among its members to promote full support and cooperation with CDU’s programs; develop goal-directed and structured activities that foster personal, social, and spiritual transformation as Christian-Catholics within the University, the Church, and the Community; promote awareness, concern, and commitment for Church Community issues as well as coordinate with the University administration to support and provide assistance to the University and the Church Community as projects are defined and agreed upon by the general membership.

 We hope that you will take advantage of immediate CDU resources like the new mobile-friendly website to serve more Catholics across the globe.  The Alumni page is growing and ever-changing as we listen to you and respond to your needs.  Enjoy continued access privileges to our online campus, library resources and faculty, network support, community boards and graduate thesis research through Digital Continent.  You may also take advantage of free webinars, discounted seminars and alumni courses or conferences that will be offered.  Contact Annie Hager at for more information.

We invite you to join us in our timely mission.  CDU, the world’s first fully online Catholic university, is embarking on a bold plan to fulfill God’s command to “Teach all nations.”  

Unlike most traditional universities, CDU will not be asking you to beautify our campus, to build a new stadium, or even promote a mascot.   We are asking for your testimonials, ideas, prayers, support, and community to strengthen CDU and pave the way for others to learn the Truth of our Faith.  We are hoping that you cheer us on, pray boldly, refer your friends and local church to CDU resources, share your triumphs, help each other live as an example of your faithful education, and support the University so that CDU can remain affordable and expand its reach.  Our vision is to bring you value while directly influencing the growth and effectiveness of the University for others in need. 

We are proud of our alumni and hope to connect with you soon.


Free CDU Webinars For 2018

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Tue, Feb 06, 2018 @ 02:58 PM


Free CDU webinars are hot. Webinar participation grew 54% in 2017, and interest continues to escalate. CDU is honored to offer the free opportunity to learn more about the Faith and interact with university experts on topics of interest to the faithful. If you wish to participate, join our email list by contacting If you missed a previous webinar, you can find them posted on our new mobile website.

Several thousand people listen to the webinars on our website or on You Tube. The two most popu­lar are What Luther Got Right and Wrong In the Reformation and The Church’s Best Kept Secret: Catholic Social Teaching. If you have a long commute or an hour of quiet time, listen in!

Look for Webinars on Thomas Aquinas and The Passion in March at

 New Summer Seminar
“Why Would a Loving God Allow Evil, Pain and Suffering?”
July 23 – August 13
Watch for details at

Upcoming Webinars

March: Do Catholics Still Need Thomas Aquinas?

Lent: Understanding the Passion Narratives

April: Decisions of Life and Death, with Steve Bozza, Alyssa Thorell, and Michael Schiavo

May: Marriage Today or Marian Devotions, with Chris Padgett

June: Ugly as Sin? A Conversation about Church Art and Architecture, with Kalinda Gathinji

July: The 50th anniversary of Humanae Vitae

August: The Enlightenment and the Catholic Church

September: Apologetics, with Steve Hemler

October: The Call to Vocation: Understanding the Synod

November: Catholics and Politics, with Robert Royal

Advent:  Did Christmas Actually Happen?

The CDU Grapevine

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:39 PM

What have CDU graduates been up to? 

Davin Winger.jpgDavin Winger

Davin Winger is the new Dean of Business and Technology at Oklahoma Panhandle State University.  Previously serving as a professor at the university, he was instrumental in the development of traditional and online courses. Winger will academically lead his departments and coordinate initiatives such as distance learning and grant development.

Winger says, “CDU is where I first learned about online learning as a student. CDU gave me the opportunity to grow and engage with other online learners and teachers. I gained confidence in myself as a student and later as a teacher because of CDU.” He continues, “God opened the door for me to attend CDU. The education and experience I gained at CDU opened a door for me not only in the Catholic Church but in the secular world as well. I am thankful for CDU.”

ordenacion-sacerdotal-de-theodore-trinko1.jpgFather Ted Trinko, IVE

Father Ted Trinko, IVE, uses his CDU education. He was ordained by His Excellency Thomas Daly at Our Lady of Peace in Santa Clara on May 8th.  He celebrated his first mass on May 9. Father Trinko humbly asks for our prayers that he might help us through his ministry.



vestermark.jpgKathy Vestermark

Kathy Vestermark is an undergraduate professor at CDU and was promoted to Director of Student Life & Retention at CDU.



magdala-stone1.jpgJennifer Ristine

Bible History Daily has published an important article by CDU graduate Jennifer Ristine from the Magdalena Institute at Magdala, on the interpretation of the famous “Magdala Stone”—”The Magdala Stone: The Jerusalem Temple Embodied.”  

Working for the new historical site in the holy land, Jennifer has written many articles and blogs about important research being conducted there. 

DSC07104.jpgPater Joachim Wernersbac

On July 9th, 2017, Pater Joachim Wernersbach was ordained to the priesthood in the monastic church of the Benedictine Abbey at Tholey, Germany, by Archbishop Jean Claude Périsset, retired Nuntius of the Vatican to Germany.

Prior to joining the monastery, Father Joachim studied theology at CDU of which he say,: "Studying at CDU changed my life.  Finding CDU was instrumental in becoming fully reconciled with the new course my life was taking. The joy of faith that CDU is using as a base for all teaching made me more and more confident that the right decision had been made.”

Father Joachim, aside from his duties as a Benedicinte monk, is now engaged in pastoral services for the monastery as well as the surrounding communities.

Patsy R. Acree

Patsy R. Acree has a ministry that provides baby clothes, teddy bears and dolls during the Christmas season to an anti-abortion organization in Ocala, Florida.  Her CDU degree and studies provided the opportunity to be the Spiritual Director for Christ Renews His  Parish retreats. Now she is in Formation to the Lay Dominican Order.  Patsy says “The most valuable gift I received was my deepening relationship with the Father.  God  encouraged me to deepen my feelings for those in need and to share what He gave me through my CDU education.”


New Certification Program in Catholic Healthcare Ethics

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:38 PM

Is it ever appropriate to cease life support? What should a Catholic consider when writing a living will?  What is the Catholic position on new reproductive technologies, genetics, and stem cell procedures? Stephen Bozza, author and instructor of CDU’s new Catholic Healthcare Ethics seminar, will answer these questions and more.

Learn how to practice, counsel and live in a way that is more respectful of the life, dignity and nature of the human person.  Participants will be equipped with the knowledge to help families and individuals make serious healthcare decisions that are consistent with Catholic moral teaching.    

This 16-hour, four-week, fully-online, certification course is offered with a focus on diaconal formation and continuing medical education for physicians.

Steve_Bozza_150.jpgSteven Bozza, MA, PhD cand. (STD) is the Director of the Office of Life and Family for the Archdiocese of Philadelphia, an Adjunct Professor of Biomedical Ethics and Moral Theology. and the media contact for the United States Catholic Conference of Bishops Department of Pro Life Activities for issues related to Artificial Reproductive Technologies.

“This course is one of the few authentic, values-based, online continuing education seminars offered on faithful healthcare ethics,” says Bozza. 

Each week there are readings, videos, questions for discussion and written assignments that apply lessons to real life situations.  Instruction includes the language to articulate the Church’s moral teaching as expressed in the Ethical and Religious Directives. 

“Understanding and advancing the culture of life in accordance with the Faith is especially important in a time of social misinformation,” says Bozza.

By the end of the course, participants will be equipped to provide ethical information to those in need of expertise and guidance. Register for the November course now by clicking here!

Catholic Healthcare Ethics is approved for CMDA and ACCME credit.  

CDU Alumni Committee Is Going Strong

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:36 PM

Now that we are in the midst of Fall, it seems like it’s a good time to update you on the newly forming Alumni committee. Our committee members include:

Catherine Branly, Daniel Cheely, Francis Henderson, Dr. Angelo Giardino, Clarissa Hutcheson, Dr. Araceli Carnazzo, Adrian Marcellus, Dr. Marianne Mount, Daniel Nemethy, William Smith, Virginia Taylor, Kathryn Vestermark, Joseph Wetterling, and Davin Winger.

Our mission statement:

The CDU alumni association works in partnership with the university to connect, support, and coordinate the global network of graduates to promote the mission of the university and the Church community.

Membership Criteria:

CDU Alumni Association membership is inclusive and open to all CDU graduates of continuing education, certificate and degree programs throughout the world. We also welcome you to be members of the committee and join our quarterly planning calls. We are exploring regional events in locales that have a concentration of CDU alumni, an alumni program in conjunction with the annual CDU gala and graduation ceremony, and “virtual” events that would allow broader participation just like in our courses and degree programs. We would appreciate your thoughts or suggestions about what the CDU Alumni association could offer that would be of value to your spiritual journey. Please send your comments and suggestions to

We are enthusiastic about helping you stay connected with CDU, our former classmates, and the vast mission of the Church.

At our August meeting, we turned to a prayer used by Pope Francis for inspiration and we share that with you now in hopes of offering some wonderful insights from the Holy Father using the simple imagery of one’s hand:

  • The thumb is the closest finger to you. So start praying for those who are closest to you. They are the persons easiest to remember. To pray for our dear ones is a “sweet obligation.”
  • The next finger is the index. Pray for those who teach you, instruct you and heal you. They need the support and wisdom to show direction to others. Always keep them in your prayers.
  • The following finger is the tallest. It reminds us of our leaders, the governors and those who have authority. They need God’s guidance.
  • The fourth finger is the ring finger. Even though it may surprise you, it is our weakest finger. It should remind us to pray for the weakest, the sick or those plagued by problems. They need your prayers.
  • And finally, we have our smallest finger, the smallest of all. Your pinkie should remind you to pray for yourself.

When you are done praying for the other four groups, you will be able to see your own needs but in the proper perspective, and also you will be able to pray for your own needs in a better way.

Fast Track Your Way to a MA

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:35 PM

CDU now offers qualified undergraduate students the opportunity to earn both their bachelor’s and master’s degrees in less time and at less cost than usual! Our new MA in Theology Accelerated Track allows exceptional students who are willing to challenge themselves to count up to 9 credit hours toward both degrees. Current students in our BA completion program may apply through the Admissions Office if they meet the requirements.

Click HERE for more info.

CDU’s Online Library Is a Campus Destination

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:31 PM

CDU’s library is state of the art, always open, continuously growing, and academically supportive. And, the book you need is never missing or damaged.

Immediate access to Catholic resources from anywhere in the world is a digital reality on CDU’s campus. The CDU library is booming in utility and traffic, rivaling many brick and mortar university libraries.

Student Lee Anna Dela Cruz agrees, “We have many more online library options here than did my last university.”

CDU’s library expansion is not physical and increased traffic is not wearing out any carpet; it’s growth is in resources, services and usage directly impacting student success. The CDU library serves 476 students and faculty members who visit thousands of times each year for free resource links, Catholic encyclopedias, and EBSCO e-books. The number of visits in the last 12 months has tripled. At the same time, EBSCO database usage doubled and Catholic Encyclopedia usage grew 674%.


Sister Rebecca Abel, O.S.B

CDU’s Librarian, Sister Rebecca Abel, O.S.B., is a resource in herself. Both students and alumni count on Sister’s passion and expertise to direct them to new discoveries. Sister Rebecca says “a new introduction on to how to use the library for research, accessible personal support, more awareness and partnerships to enhance ebook resources have made a big difference.” She continues, “Digital resource opportunities are exploding, and CDU is in a unique position to build a digital library that can fulfill our mission to “teach all nations.”

Student Rachel Zamarron says, “I am really excited about all of the resources in the library available to us.” Alumni are welcome to enjoy easy access to our online campus and library resources. Since the library has unlimited space and is as comfortable as your home, feel free to visit and browse. Contact Kathy ( for online campus support. CDU needs more e-books.  CDU donations contribute directly to resources used by students and alumni..  Your contribution makes an immediate educational impact.

To donate to our library fund, contact

The Holy Land Trip of a Lifetime

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Fri, Oct 20, 2017 @ 01:26 PM

A Holy Land Pilgrimage is a truly unique experience. It is indeed a tour, sacred pilgrimage, learning experience, and vacation all in one! A spiritual journey leading to spiritual breakthrough is fun and fascinating at the same time.

listening to the speakers at the Church of the Paster Noster, or Our Fat....jpgChurch of Pastor Noster. Our Father prayer in hundreds of languages.

The next Holy Land adventure to Israel and Palestine is April 16-26, 2018, and it really doesn’t end. Your return from there will mark a new beginning, as you will never read the Bible in the same way again. The Holy Land tour is led by Catholic Theologian, author, historian, and biblical scholar Dr. Marcellino D’Ambrosio. Hurry - space is limited. Get more information at

boat on sea of Galilee.jpgBoat ride to the Sea of Galilee.

Group Picture from Mt. of Olives.jpgGroup at Mount of Olives