CDU Blog

Learn How to Respond to Challenges in This Complex World.

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, May 03, 2017 @ 04:29 PM


It is not too late to join other passionate Catholics in the new continuing education course, Living Mercy: Social Teachings of the Church. This three-week interactive seminar, offered May 8-29, will be led by Instructor and Faculty Chair, Dr. Matthew Bunson.

The Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church reminds us “the fundamental questions that accompany the human journey from the very beginning take on even greater significance in our own day, because of the enormity of the challenges, the novelty of the situations and the importance of the decisions facing modern generations."

Don’t miss the opportunity to learn the key principles of Catholic Social Teaching, what has been called the Church’s “best kept secret.” Students will encounter the four pillars of Catholic Social Teaching, trace the history of Catholic social thought especially the key Church documents and papal encyclicals from Pope Leo XIII’s Rerum Novarum in 1891 to Pope Francis’ Laudato Si’ in 2015, and develop an ability to apply these teachings to real-world situations.

Enroll now to participate in the Living Mercy: Social Teachings of the Church seminar.


Plan ahead!

The need for Catholics to credibly, convincingly, and compellingly explain and share why we need the Church, the sacraments, and the Mass has never been greater. Join the July 3-24 seminar, Why do we need the Church?with Instructor Steven R. Hemler, president of the Catholic Apologetics Institute of North America (CAINA) and author of The Reality of God: The Layman's Guide to Scientific Evidence for the Creator.

Enroll today in this seminar.


Mission Possible! Scholarships to educate leaders in Mission Dioceses.

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, May 03, 2017 @ 04:19 PM

3A00E894626D43C49BD75BD11E23CCB4.jpgMany of the ninety US Mission Dioceses do not have local foundations or Catholic universities to support the basic educational needs for faith development.  Knowledgeable lay leaders can help overcome resource challenges and faith formation obstacles.  Fortunately, Catholic Distance University’s renowned faculty has the proven digital and theological expertise to reach and educate geographically and economically isolated students.   CDU shares joy through the Truth by providing Mission Diocese Scholarships to meet the growing need for knowledgeable lay leadership.

Heather Kimmerly, a current CDU Scholar, is dedicated to expanding the resources in her Mission Diocese of Fairbanks.  She plans to share her Masters of Theology education with teachers and families.

Heather currently serves as the Director of Religious Education at the St. Nicholas Parish in North Pole, Alaska.  Yes, right next to Santa’s headquarters, Heather makes sure Jesus’s presence is known by delivering faith formation services to families, children and adults.  The area is decorated with candy canes and all the trimmings, but has limited internet, no cable and spotty satellite service.  She uses town hot spots and her mobile phone to study.  Challenges are common in the Fairbanks Diocese; where a plane or boat is essential to visit other communities.

People who settle near Heather are diverse, non-traditional and independent minded, they don’t usually take the well-worn path. “I am bilingual with a master’s in education, I never thought I would be studying theology.” After experiencing a strong calling during a Bible study about Moses, Heather turned over her life to God.  “That’s how I came to CDU," she recalls, "I have seen Dr. D’Ambrosio speak in Alaska before, and I can’t believe I’m in his classroom now.”  Well-educated leaders, like Heather are essential for taking God’s Word to Catholics spread across 410,000 square miles of rough Alaskan terrain.  Heather is studying at CDU to follow God’s plan in the Mission Diocese of Fairbanks.

CDU is committed to supporting underserved communities.  As a non-profit, we appreciate donors who will help underwrite graduate degrees in Theology to develop future educators and lay leadership in Mission Dioceses.  The scholarship awardees are chosen by each Mission Diocese to fill its greatest needs.

Mission Scholars will join the growing number of CDU graduates who are serving the Church throughout the world.  Success of this scholarship program will be measured by the number of people who will be transformed by our graduates during their service to their diocese.  Scholars are ready to enroll.  Please contribute to the Mission Diocese Scholarship Fund.  Contact Annie at or 443-257-6022 for more information today.

CDU admissions are on a roll…

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, May 03, 2017 @ 04:15 PM

shutterstock_409322440.jpgCDU student enrollment in 2017 is up more than 16% over enrollment during the same period last year.  This outpaces 2017 National Center for Education Statistics projections for 12% growth.  In the most recent of CDU’s six annual terms, Winter II experienced degree-seeking enrollment gains of 48% over 2016 with an average increase of 29% in BA student and 85% in MA student course enrollments.

CDU’s three 2017 apologetics seminars Missionary Discipleship, Making a Case for Christ, and How Are We Saved? all yielded record attendance.  Plus, continuing education offerings continue to grow.

CDU now offers 12 certificate programs including Basic certificates in Apologetics, Basic Catechetics, Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholic Education, Christian Morality, the New Testament, the Old Testament, Prayer and Spirituality, Vatican II. Church History, Sacred Scripture and an advanced certificate in Catechetics.

Carol Ciullo, Director of Admissions at CDU, believes growth is due to a combination of initiatives coming to fruition.  She said, “The growing awareness from marketing and new lead generation from social media that began last year is a big contributing factor to our growth.” Convenience and affordability support CDU’s continued growth, as well as new courses, financial aid and graduate success.

Discover more about our faith today!

CDU’s 2016 Student of the Year Lands Dream Job

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Wed, May 03, 2017 @ 04:09 PM

Vincent Jennifer_350.jpgJennifer Vincent is a model CDU student whose passionate desire to deepen her faith overcomes the challenges of multiple priorities.  Jennifer’s journey was recently recognized with CDU’s 2016 Outstanding Student of the Year Award.

While actively engaged in her parish, teaching elementary religious education, and nurturing her six children, Jennifer pursued her goal to earn a Master’s degree in Theology.   Graduating with a 3.92 GPA in 2016, she immediately landed her dream job as a Pastoral Associate for the Cathedral of Our Lady of Victory in Victoria, Texas.

In her new role, she is in charge of multiple ministries.  Her manifold talents are used to discern and develop ministries and programs that respond to the needs of parishioners of all ages, among these being the Young Mothers of Grace Project, the Women’s Faith Sharing Group, the Retreat for Marriage Enrichment, the Adult Confirmation Course, and the Youth Ministry Famine Activity.

Jennifer says that coursework in Sacred Scripture and Church teachings has been invaluable for developing parish programs that address the needs of the faithful while staying faithful to the magisterium of the Church. She now provides Sacramental presentations to parents in other parishes, while enriching the Parish Liturgy and Bereavement Committees.  She also serves as a Lector and Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist.  Jennifer recognizes that the MA in Theology has opened doors and opportunities beyond anything she ever dreamed possible just five years ago.  She credits CDU for providing not only an outstanding online program, but also a community of learners who support even the less technologically savvy students! 

Reflecting on her experience at CDU, she says, “The universality and diversity of course content, as well as my fellow classmates, broadened my perspective of ‘one, holy, catholic, and apostolic Church.’  The professors challenged me to stretch my understanding of the Body of Christ, something which has enabled me to be ever more conscious of my role as a lay person.”

Jennifer advises new students to make use of the resources available to you, especially the Student Center and Café, where "people are just waiting to help you!” she says. You will also get to know your classmates and professors and build a community of learners that strengthens your overall experience. “And most importantly,” she adds, “the virtual Chapel is a wonderful resource for God’s grace – something so necessary for a fruitful journey in theology!"

Jennifer Vincent embodies the truth and the joy that comes from encountering the living Word of God with others and we are proud to recognize her as our 2016 Outstanding Student of the Year.

CDU's Online Campus Creates Connections

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Feb 06, 2017 @ 11:28 PM

As an online learner, it can sometimes feel like you are alone. That's not the case at CDU.  We have carefully developed an online campus build a strong Catholic community that enhances your learning experience. Here we share Christ by fostering interpersonal relationships outside of the course rooms, providing information for student success, and offering a place for prayer to enhance the spiritual connectedness of our students.

Student Life Center: Student Life Help Desk; Gala/Graduation; Digital Continent; Program Graduate List

CDU Chapel: Inner Chapel (prayer requests); Narthex (prayer updates/offer support)

CDU Cafe: Casual conversation about all things Catholic or otherwise; great place to get to know each other outside of classes

CDU Resource Center: Book Store Link; Canvas Support/Tutorials; Student Handbook; How to Schedule Final Exams; Career Center/Job Announcements; Library Link

Cohorts Area: Faith (Undergraduate students); Hope (Graduate students -- before first comprehensive exams); Charity (graduate students -- comprehensive exams to thesis)

Alumni Discussion: For Alumni to share what they are doing with current students and each other.

Tags: Distance Learning

A glorious gathering, graduation and awards ceremony, the 2016 Gala had it all.

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Feb 06, 2017 @ 11:27 PM

On November 5, 2016, CDU held our annual Gala in Arlington, Virginia celebrating an Academic convocation Mass for our graduates. The Founders Award, CDU's highest award, was presented to Mr. Carl Anderson, Supreme Knight of the Knights of Columbus and Archbishop William Lori, Supreme Chaplain of the Knights.

Lori 12.jpg

Archbishop Lori was the main celebrant of the Mass, concelebrated by CDU's host, Bishop Paul S. Loverde, Bishop of Arlington and Archbishop Christophe Pierre, the Papal Nuncio.

Blessed Sacrament Parish in Alexandria, Virginia was honored with the Bishop Thomas J. Welsh award. The evening was an intimate gathering of friends, alumni, graduates, diocesan partners, donors, faculty, staff, and board members who enjoyed a delightful dinner, cocktail reception, and silent auction.

Dr. Joseph Braddock who chairs the Board of Trustees' Futures Committee spoke about our commitment to launch a scholarship program for Mission Dioceses of which there are 90 and many of them without any Catholic higher education. Thanks to CDU's mission of using distance education, we are able to reach the peripheries of the Church and serve those without access to traditional Catholic higher education.

The Honorable Susan Malone, CDU board member, chaired the Gala and provided the beautiful silent auction with gifts ranging from retreats to beach vacations.

Mr. Carl Anderson, in his acceptance remarks noted that the Church needs a greater commitment to authentic Catholic education that forms the entire person at every academic level as critical to a strong Catholic identity. He commented, "CDU is visionary and very, very important for the future of our Catholic faith community. It is an educational project that understands the creative opportunities of our new technology but also understands that - even with this new technology - we need Catholic education that forms the entire person."

Please plan to join us November 4th, 2017 for this year's Gala.

Loverde, Anderson, Mount.jpgCDU honors Supreme Knight Carl Anderson of the Knights of Columbus and Bishop Loverde, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees presents the Founder’s Award.

grads 2.jpgGraduates Dr. Angelo Giardino, Clarissa Hutchenson, Todd Coury, Dr. Araceli Carnazzo and Todd Mesler, Jr.

Marianne and Muffy.jpgCDU president Marianne Mount enjoys the gala with her family.

Murphy, Pierre.jpgPapal Nuncio, Archbishop Pierre engages CDU board member Barbara Murphy.

blessed Sac, Malone (1).jpg

The Honorable Susan Malone presents the Bishop Welsh Parish Award to Father John Kelly, Pastor of Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church.


Tags: Adult Education

CDU Gives Opportunity to Incarcerated Students

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Feb 06, 2017 @ 11:25 PM

“Showing mercy to those who have strayed can be life changing. Mercy overcomes every wall, every obstacle, and can instill new life and hope in others.”—Pope Francis

Catholic Distance University has served the incarcerated church since 1984 by offering paper-based courses that feed both the spirit and the intellect. CDU’s expertise in in-depth, on-demand distance education is a natural fit and has proven effective for prisoners.  A number of CDU’s incarcerated students have earned BA and MA degrees in Theology and Advanced Catechist Certificates. Many more have taken inspiring continuing education courses that have deepened their relationship with God and provided a new sense of purpose.

Many of CDU’s incarcerated students have used their education to evangelize fellow inmates, spreading the Word of God and knowledge of His great love to those imprisoned in an environment mired in hopelessness and despair.  Student Pierre O.  said, “CDU courses are a marvelous resource that provides me with the knowledge needed to serve the Lord to the best of my ability.”

Some inmates, like Paul J., simply wish to share what they have discovered with others. “I have enclosed $20 to help another prisoner access CDU courses,” he recently wrote.

CDU’s courses have helped inmates to become chaplains’ assistants who evangelize and minister to their fellow inmates when priests and chaplains are unavailable. In addition, many chaplains are not Catholic.

CDU offers a number of paper-based educational programs to incarcerated students. With opportunities ranging from continuing education to graduate-level study, there is an appropriate program or course for every inmate.

Do you know someone in need?  CDU offers four non-credit continuing education courses in paper format because most prisons do not allow internet access.  For only the cost of postage ($10), prisoners will find new joy and truth through The Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Ten Commandments Part I & II, Christian Prayer and The Profession of Faith.  For course information, contact Marguerite at or click here to visit our website.

Due to the rapid growth of the incarcerated population, CDU will be expanding its prison ministry program to give support and hope to the underserved.  Please help us pray for incarcerated souls and contact if the Holy Spirit moves you to support this program.

“If I can be forgiven, then no one is beyond forgiveness.” ---Clayton F., former death row inmate and CDU graduate

The achievement of one of CDU’s deceased incarcerated students is chronicled in a book titled A Different Kind of Cell: The Story of a Murderer Who Became a Monk, available from Amazon.

Tags: Adult Education

Explore Your Catholic Spirituality and Challenge Your Knowledge of Salvation History in Our Winter II Term

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Feb 06, 2017 @ 11:20 PM

cbrown.jpgLearn to apply the practical skills needed to enrich your spiritual life! Applied Catholic Spirituality will be taught by Dr. Carole Brown, Director of the Office of New Evangelization for the Archdiocese of Oklahoma City. Beginning with the teachings of Christ as recorded in the Gospels, Dr. Brown will explore the three stages of spiritual life, St. John Paul II’s teachings on personal conversion, as well as the rich variety of Christian practices illustrated in the lives and teachings of the saints. This course is taught at both the graduate and undergraduate levels.

Brown.jpgOur Scripture and Salvation History course is a journey through the Bible as the Catholic Church’s foundational narrative, beginning with the story of creation and the fall, through God’s promise to Abraham, the covenant with Israel at Sinai and Deuteronomy and the eventual collapse of the Davidic Kingdom under the Deuteronomic covenant.  The course crescendos with the solution to the problems of the law in the Old Testament and the eventual fulfillment of God’s promises through the Person and work of Jesus Christ and his Church.  Dr. Brown explains critical interpretive issues and wrestles with disputed questions as you learn various ways of making sense of the Bible as a unified and coherent story with profound implications for today.  Join Dr. Peter Brown on the journey of salvation.

Both courses begin on March 6th, so register today! To browse all of our Winter II term courses, click here.

Tags: Academics

Julianne Stokes Presents Thesis at Conference

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Feb 06, 2017 @ 11:07 PM

Stokes.jpgOn April 23, 2016, Julianne Stokes presented her Master's thesis at the First Annual Graduate Conference on Personalist Philosophy, which was hosted by The Hildebrand P
roject in conjunction with Franciscan University of Steubenville, Ohio.

Julianne and her husband Jon live in New York State. They have eight children, and both serve as catechists in the Syracuse Diocese, where they promote Theology of the Body, Teen Star, Respect Life, and New York State Right to Life. Julianne also works as a substitute teacher at a Catholic elementary school.

She received an invitation encouraging the submission of graduate papers on personalism from John Henry Crosby, founder and president of the Hildebrand Project. Her thesis, which is featured in the Advent 2016 issue of Digital Continent, just happened to address personalist thought on women.

"CDU introduced me to the thought of the great personalists of the 20th century," Julianne says. "Dr. Aaron Urbanczyk taught me the philosophy of Hans Urs von Balthasar and shepherded me through the thesis writing process."

Julianne completed her MA in Theology in 2016 and has put her education to good use. "I have been able to find work as a teacher in both private and public schools," Julianne says. "Every member of the faculty, along with the administrators and the staff, has encouraged and inspired me. Personally, the entire course of classes for my Master's has informed my life and developed my Faith in every aspect," she adds.

"The community here online is a great joy to me," Julianne says. "They have enriched my relationship with God and my neighbor. I love my alma mater, Catholic Distance University!"

Tags: Student Profile

CDU Graduates Excel and Serve

Posted by Catholic Distance University on Mon, Feb 06, 2017 @ 10:56 PM

Hutcheson 2.jpgSupporting student achievement is paramount at CDU, and it shows.  In a 2016 survey, 100% of graduates stated they had achieved their learning goals. CDU measures effectiveness in many ways, but our most important indicator is that graduates and alumni are inspired to share with others and use their knowledge, gifts, and talents in the service of the Church. 

Unlike other online universities, eight out of ten of those enrolled in the MA in Theology program at CDU graduate and earn degrees. Our 2016 MA graduates achieved an average GPA of 3.65, and 90% are serving in Church-related ministries.  

Clarrisa Hutchenson, a recent Master’s graduate, shares her goals and CDU experience. “In order to experience Christ more fully in my life, as well as to share the teachings of the Church confidently, I needed more education in the faith.  As a full time working director of catechetical ministry, a wife, a mom, and now a grandmother, I needed affordability and the flexibility of being educated in theology while living my life.  Thanks to CDU, I was able to complete a Master’s degree while fulfilling the multi-faceted vocations God has for me in this life.”

The 2016 graduates in the BA in Theology completion program earned an average GPA of 3.63. Nine out of ten students who enrolled not only earned their degree, they finished in an average of 3 to 3.5 years. Most students who enroll in the program are either seeking a Church-related ministry or desire to study the Faith more deeply so that in the future they can participate in volunteer ministries in their parish or diocese. At the time of graduation, nearly six out of ten students had obtained theological Church-related ministerial positions, and the others expressed the desire to serve in volunteer or teaching ministries in the near future.

In the Associate of Arts Degree Program with a concentration in Catholic Studies, a relatively new program, six out of ten of the first applicants eligible to graduate were awarded the degree with an average GPA of 3.78. They invested an average of 2 to 2.5 years to complete the program.

CDU is committed to successful outcomes for our students and the Church, in service to God's plan. Please help us share this good news!

Tags: Student Profile